Preparing for breast cancer surgery

This article was written for ELAN Lingerie (launched in Spring 2021), who create beautiful and super comfy underwear for women who have had breast surgery. This article covers practical tips to help you prepare for before and after breast cancer surgery.

My name is Hannah and I am a specialist cancer physiotherapist, with a fire in my belly to help people live their life fully, during and after treatment. Earlier this year, I started my online physiotherapy business StrongerThan supporting people with the physical side effects of cancer, without having to leave their homes!

I was delighted to write this blog post, because ELAN’s mission is the same as my own; to provide confidence and empowerment to incredible people going through incredibly difficult times.

I am going to be sharing my practical top tips on what to expect before, during and after breast cancer surgery to help you through your operation.

Before surgery:

So, you have your surgery date in the diary; it is a good idea to do a little planning, to ease day-to-day life while you are healing after your operation.

At home

● Do some rearranging. Move mugs and dishes down from high cupboards, so

they are easy to reach. This will reduce the need to reach up above your head while

in the kitchen. The same goes for bedroom and bathroom essentials.

● Heavier, repetitive chores such as ironing, hoovering and changing bed sheets are

not advised for 6 weeks post-surgery. In fact, any lifting should be kept to less than

1kg. People want to help the people they care about - so, dish out the practical

jobs to loved ones who offer to help. If you live alone, plan ahead and prioritise. Are

you in a position to hire a cleaner for an hour or so, or send your clothes to the

laundrette? If not, don’t feel guilty about not doing such tasks - leave it for a couple of

weeks and own those creases!

● Prepare some meals ahead of time. You may have family or friends at home who

will help whip up your daily meals. If you live alone or have family who will be out and

about, a batch of frozen home-cooked meals is a perfect solution for fuss-free meals!


● Dig out or buy some dresses/tops/shirts/cardigans with zips or buttons at the front.

This will reduce the need to lift your arms above your head.

● You will also feel most comfortable in soft, loose trousers or leggings, with an

elasticated waist. You will not want to be wearing jeans or compressive active-wear,

especially if you’ve had a DIEP procedure.

● Button up pyjamas will be the easiest to put on and off for sleeping or resting.

● Non-compressive, high waisted knickers are best, particularly if you’ve had a

DIEP procedure (so the elastic sits above your scar). Think Bridget Jones in cotton!

● Comfortable and appropriate bras are essential. No underwires or push-ups here

please! Soft material and a front fastening are the most comfortable (oh hello ELAN!).

● Grab yourself some slip-on shoes. It can get uncomfortable bending down to tie

your laces every time you pop your shoes on.

Additional accessories

● Get yourself a heart shaped pillow, to give some support and comfort between your

breast and arm while you are healing. Some charities, for example Jen’s Friends, will

supply these pillows for free. Alternatively, you can purchase them on Etsy or if you

or a friend fancy yourself as a seamstress, check Youtube for tutorials on how to

make your own heart shaped pillow.

● A drain bag (or two) is another very helpful addition, to keep your drains safe and

discreet when moving around. Check out Drain Dollies or Etsy!

Personal Care

● If you have a routine, you may wish to get your beauty procedures done before

your surgery, as you will feel limited for some time after your operation. If you get

your nails done, avoid shellac as the medical team may need to remove polish from

one nail to help monitor your observations during and after surgery.

In the hospital

No-one wants to be in hospital, so you will want to pack everything you need to feel safe and

comfortable. Consider the following items in your hospital bag:

● A dressing gown (you can buy post-surgery gowns that have internal pockets where

you can keep your drains).

● Grippy socks or slippers (if you want to avoid the hospital issue

one-size-fits-no-one socks!)

● The comfortable clothes and underwear listed above, for when you are leaving the


● Your drain bags

● Your heart pillow - especially helpful between you and your seatbelt on the drive


● Snacks for after your surgery, in case there is a wait for your hospital meals

● Phone and charger, to keep in touch with loved ones.

● Entertainment such as books, laptop, headphones, magazines, journal and pens,


● Toiletries, such as toothbrush, toothpaste, mints/gum, moisturiser, lip balm, hand

cream, make-up (if you’d like!) etc.

After your surgery

Depending on the type of surgery you have, you may stay in hospital for several days after

your procedure. You will be encouraged to sit out of bed and start walking as soon as

possible, in order to prevent any post-surgical complications. You will be prescribed pain

medication which will allow you to move more comfortably.

You will also be prescribed post-operative exercises, which should be taken as seriously

as your medicine. If the benefits of these exercises could be put into a pill, it would be

prescribed to you alongside your pain relief!

These 6 key exercises will help reduce the risk of post surgical complications, such as Seroma, cording or Lymphoedema. Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts, so you will need to do your exercises 2-3 times a day. Start the following exercises on day one after your operation:

Exercise One: Shoulder Shrugs

Sit comfortably with your arms relaxed by your side. Slowly raise your shoulders up towards

your ears and hold for 5 seconds, before lowering your shoulders. Aim to make the space

between your ears and shoulders as large as possible. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise Two: Shoulder Rolling

Sit with your arms resting by your sides. Roll your shoulders forwards, imaging your

squeezing them together in front of you. Continue rolling upwards towards your ears, then

squeezing your shoulder blades together behind you, before returning to your starting

position. Repeat 10 times, then change direction.

Exercise Three: Shoulder Flexion

Place your hand on the same shoulder of the affected side. Raise your arm to the front, to

around 90 degrees (shoulder height). Lower your arm to your starting position and repeat 10


Exercise Four: Shoulder Abduction

Place your hand on the same shoulder of the affected side. Raise your arm out to the side,

to around 90 degrees (shoulder height). Lower your arm to your starting position and repeat

10 times.

Exercise Five: Winging It!

Place your hand behind your head, with your elbow pointing forwards. Slowly bring your arm

outwards, to point your elbow to the side, keeping your hand behind your head. Return to

your starting position and repeat 10 times.

Exercise Six: Back-Scratchers

Stand or sit with your hand resting by your side. Raise your hand behind your back, reaching

towards the opposite shoulder blade, as high as you can go (comfortably!). Return to the

starting position and repeat 10 times.

Exercise progressions:

At one week after your surgery, continue the same exercises above, but using a straight

arm for exercises three and four.

At two weeks after your surgery, continue these exercises lying flat on your back, to add a

little gravity and further stretch the muscles under your arms.

If you have had a DIEP procedure, you will also be prescribed abdominal exercises that you

will also need to do daily while healing.

In the early days after your surgery, keep hydrated and be sure to take daily walks and

plenty of rest. After a few weeks, you will start to feel more like yourself and be able to start

returning to your day-to-day activities, such as driving, house-work and gentle exercise.

A physiotherapist is an important person to have on your team! StrongerThan provides

support, motivation and advice for those wanting to feel strong in body and mind after breast

surgery. To find out more, see my website or follow me on social media.




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